A Day of Learning

On Sunday our team had a day of learning in Guatalemala.  We travelled throughout this beautiful country, learning about the history, geography, and culture of the people we have been called to serve.  After a boat ride across Lake Atitlan, we learned about how the local people have made and colored cotton thread for centuries to weave clothing. We learned about how they use natural medicines and spiritual powers to provide healing for all forms of ailments.  We learned how they prepare chocolate. All of these things with nothing more than natural materials and hard work (it takes about 20 hours to weave a scarf that is sold at the market or store)!

Late in the afternoon it began to rain, hard.  We were still in the Pueblo and ended up taking a boat across the lake in the rain!  Eventually we got to the van, only to learn there were mudslides and rockfall on the way out of town.  The road home was not one we would normally drive, but was bathed in prayer, and all emerged safe and secure to a warm dinner at our beautiful hotel.

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