2018 Trip Intro

Sometimes we must get out of our comfort zone to learn who we truly are.  From July 6 to July 14, 30 people from Generations church and our community will serve in Guatemala. We will spend 5 days at a private Christian orphanage called Casa Angelina, where we will serve orphans, build a home for a widow and her family,  and provide dental services to local widows who have never seen a dentist before.  We will also serve at a dump community called the Land of Hope, which serves a community built around the municipal landfill for Escuintla, Guatemala.  While there, we will provide medical services to specific children with known conditions, perform dental services for people who may have never seen a dentist in their life, and just spend time loving on the people in the community. Please pray for the trip, that we are able to see God’s hand at work both in Guatemala and in the lives of our traveling team!


Curious about where we are going?  Click Here to view an interactive map!

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